COVID-19 Updates

Details and updates regarding the COVID-19 impact on our schedule and tours

Office operations :

Our office remains closed for the public, but we are still operating and we will happy to help with any question or request.

Our e-shop is operational. Please note that at the moment we only ship in Greece.

Tours :

ταξίδι με μηχανή Ρουμανία

Romania 2021




Rodopi 2021




Tunisia 2021






COVID-19 & our tours related questions

One of the  hardest tasks for anyone these days is the effort to control the anxiety COVID-19 pandemic causes and the restrictions to our every day life.

These changes definitely affect our touring program for the upcoming months. We have gathered below some related frequently asked questions and our answers.

In any case, do not hesitate to contact us for any questions - we will be happy to assist you.
Take care of yourself, your beloved ones and do not forget that what is happening in not our life, it is just a part of our life.

See you on the road!

1WIll you cancel all tours ?
We hope not!
We plan to run all those tours that conditions will be safe and allow us to have a good time .
We will not in any case expose to danger our clients, staff, ourselves and our families
2If it is not possible to run a tour is it canceled permanently or you will reschedule ?
If a tour is cancelled, we will try to reschedule and add it in our program in a later time if conditions allow us to.
3I have made a booking for a tour that is rescheduled, but the new dates are not suitable. Can I come to an other tour ?
Yes, you can.
Especially in such a case, we will make any effort to make it possible for you to participate in a tour that suites your dates - even if at the times is fully booked.
4I had a reservation for a cancelled tour. What about my deposit ?
You have two ( 2 ) options :
- If you do not wish to take part in another tour, your deposit will be returned.
- If you wish to take part in an other tour, deposit can be transfer to the new tour, or even used to pay other tours of services.
5I have send the reservation form, but you have not yet asked for a deposit.
We have not yet asked for deposit for the tours that depart after June 20th, but all those reservations are valid.
Due to the COVID-19 impact, all payment deadlines will be moved to later dates, and we will only ask for payment when we will be sure that it will be safe to run the tours.