Odyssey Moto Tours
+30 2310200305
+30 6979530954
Our tours
21.03.25 • Chios
12.04.25 • Tunisia
01.05.25 • Kastoria
17.05.25 • Tuscany
05.06.25 • Cappadocia
05.06.25 • NZ Cappadocia
28.06.25 • Albania
01.07.25 • North Cape
19.07.25 • Balkans
06.08.25 • Tyrol -Bavaria
21.08.25 • Adriatic
24.08.25 • Poland
11.09.25 • Alps
19.09.25 • Corsica
Tour information
& F.A.Qs.
2024 tours
Mini Balkans | March
Eastern Rumelia | April
Tunisia | April
Imathia | May
Adriatic | June
Sardinia | June
Anatolia | July
Bosnia | July
Albania | August
Poland | August
Romania | August
2023 tours
Sicily | April
Imathia | May
Central Italy | May
Kiwi Balkans Odyssey
Heart of Europe
Romania | July
Balkans Adventure
Black Sea
Serbia | August
Adriatic | September
Italian Alps
Southern Spain
Epirus | October
2022 tours
Imathia | March
South Italy | April
Bulgaria | April
Tuscany | May
Dolomites | June
Bosnia | July
Romania | July
Poland | July
Montenegro | August
Cappadocia | August
Adriatic | September
Tunisia | October
2021 tours
Imathia | June
Tuscany | June
Dolomites | July
Romania | July
Bosnia | August
Montenegro | August
Aspropotamos | August
Odessa | September
Alps | September
Spain | October
2020 tours
Imathia | June
Romania | June 5th
Romania | July 12th
Aspropotamos | Sept
Kastoria | September
Zagorochoria | October
Peloponnisos | October
2019 tours
South Italy | April
Bulgaria | May
Rhodope | May 11th
Rhodope | May 18th
Tuscany | May
Endurance Odyssey
Balkans | June
Dolomites | June
Romania | July
Poland | August
Turkey | August
Rodopi | September
Tunisia | October
2018 tours
Sicily | April
Bulgaria | May
Rodopi | May
Aspropotamos | May
Tuscany | May
Corsica | June
Romania & Kiwi Odyssey
Montenegro | July
Balkans | July
Turkey | August
Alps & MotoGP | Sept
Imathia | October
Rodopi | October
Bulgaria | October
Tunisia | December
2017 tours
Pilio | April
Bulgaria | April
Rodopi | May
Tuscany | May
Bulgaria | June
Alps | June
Poland | July
Romania | August
Balkans | August
Rodopi L | Sept
Bulgaria | Sept
2016 tours
Zagorochoria | March
Meteora | April
Rodopi | May
Tuscany | May
Great Kiwi Odyssey
Alps | June
Albania | July
Pyrenees | July
Romania | Aug
Bulgaria | Sept
Xanthi Mountains
1000km | October
Zagorochoria | Oct
2015 tours
Spain | April
Bulgaria | May
Rodopi | May
Plastiras lake
Montenegro | May
Tuscany | June
Alps | July
Romania | August
Balkans | August
San Marino MotoGP
Bulgaria | September
Albania | September
Pentalofos | October
2014 tours
Chalkidiki | March
Puglia | March
Rodopi | April
Montenegro | May
Montenegro | June
Balkans & Alps
Puglia | June
Romania | June
Adriatic | July
Romania | July
Turkey | August
BMWbikers event | Oct
2013 tours
Rodopi | March
Rodopi | April
Rodopi | May
Veliko Tarnovo
Romania | June
Romania | July
Turkey | August
Rodopi | September
BMWbikers event
Grevena | October
Kerkini | November
About us
The company
Our team
Contact us
MAY 2013
Veliko Tarnovo
Ο Κώστας τα λέει με έναν κάτοικο του χωριού....ο οποίος είναι κομμάτια από το ποτό...
Που με έχουν φέρει....
Τι Portorico τι Batak...
Στο δρόμο από Dospat προς Batak
Στο δρόμο από Kulata προς Gotse Delchev
Εξω από το Dospat
Στις λίμνες πριν το Batak
Από δεξιά προς αριστερά :
Κώστας, Κώστας, Κώστας και ο Sting :)
Λίμνη Dospat
© Diamantis Stamos
Είπαμε, Σπαρτιάτικα ;)
Τοπικό γλυκό από αγνώστου προελεύσεως καρπούς...
Road to the sky...
Γύρω - γύρω βροχή και εμείς στην λιακάδα !
Γύρω - γύρω βροχή και εμείς στην λιακάδα !
Καφές και χαβαλές στα σύνορα στις 11 παρά το βράδυ...Μάλλον δεν τους έφτασε...
Σε λίγο θα έχεις συλλογή με χαρακτήρες....
Odyssey Moto Tours
+30 2310200305
+30 6979530954